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PROUD PEACOCK - Holistic Practitioner Service
Transforming people's lives
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Kids Online - Need For Concern or Not?
Sometimes it takes unfortunate circumstances of others for us to realise what is most important for our kids and us. I don’t know about...

Seriously... Just Do It!
Do You Value Yourself? Why do women struggle putting themselves first? Many women have problems with allowing themselves guilt free time,...

Tai Chi & Qigong
Practising Tai Chi and Qigong creates a perfect balance, and when you are balanced you experience inner peace. To read full article...

Mother Daughter...Connection
Do you connect with your daughter? If you can take yourself back to the age your daughter currently is and ask yourself; how you felt...

How To Shred Stress
What is stress? “Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances” - The...

Top 5 Tips on Building Self-Esteem
5 Top Tips - How to boost your self-esteem for women. Did you know that 85% of the world’s population are affected by low self-esteem?...

Why Is Practicing Mindfulness Useful When Implementing Change?
Wow here we are approaching Easter 2017, already. How is your year going so far, have you reached any of your goals? Perhaps you didn't...

Love Yourself Not Your Ego
When you say, “I love myself” what pops into your mind? Is it safe to say those words? Will others judge me? It is a sad reality that...

Kids self-esteem how important is it?
According to Louise Hay “Almost all of our programming, both negative and positive, was accepted by us by the time we were three years...
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